Saturday, December 22, 2012

Maternity series flashback (15 - 28 weeks)

 Week 15

Week 16

Week 17

Week 18

Week 19

Week 20

 Week 23

Week 25

Week 28
*You can click on each week and it will take you to the relating post.

So far I've got to say that this pregnancy has been a breeze.  Sure there have been the odd aches and pains, but on the whole I've been feeling great.  Tomorrow marks the beginning of week 31 (ermm yes sorry we seem to be skipping a couple of weeks every now and then) and Christmas Day marks exactly 2 months until our due date!  I can't even begin to tell you how excited I am to meet this little person.  I know they say that you fall madly in love when you first set eyes on them, but let me tell, sometimes I already feel so in love with this baby that I might just burst!

We knew right from the start that we wanted this journey to be as natural as possible.  If all goes as it should, which it has been so far, then we are planning a homebirth here in our living room.  There are many reasons for this and I won't go into them all, but lets just say that almost all the women in my family have had their babies at home and have had beautiful experiences.  I have never been to hospital in my life and to be honest they freak me out!  For me it is important to be in a calm, relaxing place where I feel comfortable in my surroundings and know that my baby is going to be born into a peaceful atmosphere.  Having said that, if the midwife had even the slightest bit of concern I would head to hospital in a shot!

The purpose of this maternity series was mainly to have a record of this pregnancy and be able to look and read back on the changes.  I also set myself the challenge of not buying any maternity clothing.  It seems insane to me, to shell out hundreds of dollars on clothing that will only my useful for a short time.  Instead I hit my local second hand shops and snapped up all sorts of beautiful vintage/ retro dresses.  Ones from the 1970s work especially well!  I was also lucky enough to stumble across a bag full of dresses that my grandmother had sewn for my mother when she was pregnant with me.  Luckily this is a little summer baby so I have been able to make great use of these long flowing cotton dress.  I really haven't been wearing anything else!

So there you have it.  I think we're up to date on the whole baby business.  If you have any questions please feel free to ask.  We will continue the maternity series until the baby arrives.

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